Current Approaches and Nursing Practice Related to Toilet Training
P: 247-260
August 2018

Current Approaches and Nursing Practice Related to Toilet Training

J Curr Pediatr 2018;16(2):247-260
1. Sağlık Bilimleri Üniversitesi, Gülhane Hemşirelik Yüksekokulu, Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları Hemşireliği B.D,
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Toilet training is a developmental task that affects families with toddler. The vast majority of healthy children are ready to begin toilet training between 18-24 months due to the ability to gain physical control of the bladder and bowel sphincters. Healthy children acquire toilet training without the need for the medical application. There are various methods of toilet training. Brazelton’s child-centered approach that evaluates psychological maturity, being ready to answer to environmental stimuli and skills to understand and intrinsic motivation to be ready, is the most common method. Each family and child is unique and the ideal time to begin toilet training and training methods are different from each other. Families need proper guidance about toilet training. Pediatric nurses are the most appropriate people to educate parents about toilet training. During frequent health visits in the first year of life, pediatric nurse can assess the child's temperament, the family's coping ability and the child-rearing techniques. So they can give individual guidance about toilet training techniques for each child and family. In this review, toilet training methods, children 's signs of readiness to toilet training, training application steps and nursing applications are examined.