Intrauterine Onset Ulnar Artery Thromboembolism: A Case Report
Case Report
P: 387-392
December 2021

Intrauterine Onset Ulnar Artery Thromboembolism: A Case Report

J Curr Pediatr 2021;19(3):387-392
1. Eskisehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, Pediatri Anabilim Dalı, Neonatoloji Bilim Dalı, Eskişehir, Türkiye
2. Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, Pediatri Anabilim Dalı, Çocuk Hematoloji Bilim Dalı, Eskişehir, Türkiye
No information available.
No information available
Received Date: 17.05.2021
Accepted Date: 10.10.2021
Publish Date: 24.12.2021



While neonatal thromboembolism is uncommon, it is frequently seen in newborn infants with central catheters who are monitored in the neonatal intensive care unit. There is several case reports on rare thromboembolic events that occur during the intrauterine period.

Case Report:

Our patient was a term twin infant who was diagnosed with intrauterine onset right ulnar artery thromboembolism shortly after birth. The baby was given low molecular weight heparin treatment, but limb-sparing amputation was required during follow-up. The analysis of thrombophilic genetic mutations of the infant revealed heterozygous MHTFR677C> T and FII20210G> A mutations.


On the basis of heterozygous mutations, twin pregnancy has been assessed as a significant risk factor. We believe that the case presented with the literature will help clinicians gain more experience.


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