Investigation of <i>Blattella germanica</i> Sensitivity in Atopic Children
Original Article
P: 328-337
December 2021

Investigation of Blattella germanica Sensitivity in Atopic Children

J Curr Pediatr 2021;19(3):328-337
1. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, Çocuk Alerji Bilim Dalı, Bursa, Türkiye
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Received Date: 27.10.2021
Accepted Date: 06.12.2021
Publish Date: 24.12.2021



Cockroach sensitivity plays an important role in the pathogenesis of childhood asthma and allergic respiratory diseases. It was aimed to investigate the incidence of Blattella germanica (German cockroach) sensitivity in atopic children in Bursa and its surroundings and possible risk factors that may be associated with the presence of Blattella germanica sensitivity.

Materials and Methods:

1382 children aged 0-12 years, who were followed up with a diagnosis of any allergic disease and defined as atopic by detecting sensitivity to at least one allergen in skin prick tests with inhalant allergens, were included in the study. The data of the cases (skin prick test results with inhalant allergens, serum total IgE levels and total eosinophil counts, allergic disease diagnoses, et al. characteristics) were evaluated retrospectively.


The overall sensitivity rate to Blattella germanica was found to be 2.7% (n=38) in atopic cases (n=1382) in the study group. Blattella germanica sensitivity was found in 3.6% of asthmatics, 3% of allergic rhinitis and 4.9% of patients with asthma and allergic rhinitis. Asthma prevalence (69.4%) in those with Blattella germanica sensitivity was significantly higher than those without Blattella germanica sensitivity (49.2%) (p=0.017). Blattella germanica monosensitization was not detected in any of the patients. It was observed that sensitivity to mite allergens was the highest among all inhalant allergen groups (57.7%), and grass pollen (28.5%) was the second rank. Blattella germanica sensitivity rates were found to be 2% in the 0-3 age group, 2.2% in the 4-7 age group, and 4.1% in the 8-12 age group (p=0.129). It was observed that the presence of canine sensitization was negatively correlated with Blattella germanica sensitivity.


In this study, which was conducted for the first time in a large population of atopic children in the Bursa region, the incidence of Blattella germanica sensitivity was found to be 2.7% in the entire study population, while it was found to be higher (4.1%) in the 8-12 age group. In addition, Blattella germanica sensitivity is seen at a higher rate (4.9%) in the coexistence of asthma and allergic rhinitis.


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