The Assessment of Adaptive Eating Behavior: The Reliability and Validity Study of Two Scales Towards Infancy and Early Childhood Stages
Original Article
P: 137-159
August 2018

The Assessment of Adaptive Eating Behavior: The Reliability and Validity Study of Two Scales Towards Infancy and Early Childhood Stages

J Curr Pediatr 2018;16(2):137-159
1. Ankara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, Cebeci Araştırma ve Uygulama Hastanesi, Ankara
2. Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Edebiyat Fakültesi, Psikoloji Bölümü, Ankara
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The results revealed that both 20 item BDUYDÖ and EÇDUYDÖ developed for the child population of our country specifically, were reliable and valid scales.


In this study, two different scales were developed for babies of 9-36 months “Infancy Adaptive Eating Behaviour Scale (BDUYDÖ)” and for children between the ages 37-72 months “Early Childhood Adaptive Eating Behaviour Scale (EÇDUYDÖ)”. The common factors of the scales are “Reluctance”, “Eating Refusal Associated with Sensory Causes” and “Reaction to Main Meal Order”. “Resistance” in BDUYDÖ and “Aggression” in EÇDUYDÖ were the fourth factors. The total explained variances were; % 59.76 and % 56.34. The Cronbach alpha coefficients were 0.90 and 0.89 and test-retest reliability coefficients were 0.95 and 0.96 respectively. The mean differences of high-low 27% groups were significant at p<0.001 for two scales. The factor structures of both scales were confirmed by confirmatory factor analysis.


The research was conducted in 26 kindergatrens and one Family Health Center in Ankara with participant mothers of children between 9-36 months (N=235) and 37-72 months (N=1121). In relation to the validity and reliability of the scales developed within the scope of the study; factor analysis, internal consistency coefficients, correlations, comparison of the difference between high and low 27% groups, t test for independent groups, experts judgements were implemented.


Feeding/eating problem is one of the most common behavioral problems in children. There is no qualified eating/feeding problems assessment scale to recognize infant/children feeding behavior problems between the ages of infancy and early childhood in our country. The aim of this research was to develop reliable and valid and suitable scales for our population to evaluate children eating behaviours between 9-36 months and 37-72 months.